Hello, and thank you for visiting! I am currently on an extended blogging break. We have shared some wondrous times and I thank you for that. I look forward to connecting with you when I return. In the meantime... keep creating your mandalas! The process is an amazing Portal to the Soul. If you are new to the process...you can get started right now by clicking here as well as other links below. Wishing you fulfillment and joy on your journey.

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July 10, 2008

"Venus Flytrap"

This week's Inspire Me Thursday prompt: Healing synchronistically corresponds to the Mandala Healing teleclass series I am hosting with the renowned Judith Cornell - click here for details.
Making Mandala Medicine, SoulCollage® , making jewelry as well as other creative expression IS all healing...from the inside, out.
Being creative, and having others to share it with has made a huge difference in my qualitiy of life on the healing front. Thank Goodness for all of the healing arts!
I made this mandala while hanging out with my daughter, Kamaria, over the July 4th holiday; just playing around with markers while we were watching a movie.
Initially I thought and saw "pea pods", but after a while, I knew it had a higher calling...
Venus Flytrap!
I see this as a vibrant, whimsical and healing image....gobbling up the old thought patterns, and old energy that no longer serves me...and transmuting it into glorious, colorful beauty...while exhaling it back into the atmosphere...imparting beauty...and exhilarating joy!
FYI: The purple words on all posts are links.


Rowena said...

I definitely get your mandala. I like the image of the venus fly trap gobbling up your troubles.

Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, well, I guess you get more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.

jas faulkner said...

That is gorgeous! I love the way it seems to invite goodness in.

Deb G said...

I see pea pods too. :) As always, I love your mandalas.

LA Nickers said...

Cool artwork!