Hello, and thank you for visiting! I am currently on an extended blogging break. We have shared some wondrous times and I thank you for that. I look forward to connecting with you when I return. In the meantime... keep creating your mandalas! The process is an amazing Portal to the Soul. If you are new to the process...you can get started right now by clicking here as well as other links below. Wishing you fulfillment and joy on your journey.

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July 22, 2008

"Spiritual Insight"

"The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light..." ~Luke 11:34

This mandala spontaneously took shape while I was listening to an inspiring message on CD from Rev. Michael Beckwith of Agape Spiritual Center. Ahh...what an affirmation that the mandala outpictured the gift I was receiving from him... "spiritual insight"! To read more of my story about this mandala and this insight click here.

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