Hello, and thank you for visiting! I am currently on an extended blogging break. We have shared some wondrous times and I thank you for that. I look forward to connecting with you when I return. In the meantime... keep creating your mandalas! The process is an amazing Portal to the Soul. If you are new to the process...you can get started right now by clicking here as well as other links below. Wishing you fulfillment and joy on your journey.

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February 15, 2009

"Peace Feathers"

"Peace Feathers" blow through my heart
gracing my entire being.
Peace fragrance
breezes through....
my eyes...
my nose...
and my throat....
On the wings of
the Goddess.
"Peace Feathers" take flight...
caressing my face
with it's divine fragrance...
with its divine touch...
singing its divine song.
Ahh...do you feel it?...
the chorus of Peace...
echoes and within us...
within our peace cells.
Allow the touch
and thought of "Peace Feathers"
to comfort you.


Sharon P Pope said...

Beautiful mandala and words.

Doe Grozs Art said...

I see a ribbon tied around the whole. The deep core of us all being connected and held, bound by these feathers of peace.. brings so much hope and comfort.. wrapping us all in a warm embrace.

Sweet-Lemmon said...

Beautiful! I liked the colors you used. :)

Anonymous said...

Such a calm world inside these words, within the mandala...lovely!

Lynn said...

Your peom is beautiful and soothing.

Leah said...

beautiful work, cheryl!