Hello, and thank you for visiting! I am currently on an extended blogging break. We have shared some wondrous times and I thank you for that. I look forward to connecting with you when I return. In the meantime... keep creating your mandalas! The process is an amazing Portal to the Soul. If you are new to the process...you can get started right now by clicking here as well as other links below. Wishing you fulfillment and joy on your journey.

~ ~ ~

December 31, 2010

Rich Possibilities ~ "I am enough..."

"I am enough"

~ ~ ~
Deeply rooted...
anchored within.
Eternally connected
to the Source
of All Creation...
I realize...
I know....
"I am enough"
~ ~ ~
Eternally connected
to the Source...
I realize...
"I am
more than enough...
.... exceedingly able
...and blessed."

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Here's to brilliant, vivid, expansive new horizons
that dawn daily along our life voyage...
...and here's to our Courage to approach the shores!
and for each of us to know deep in our bones that: "I am enough."

Wondrous blessings, love and gratitude to you all....

November 15, 2010

Gratitude, SoulCollage®

Hello Beautiful Spirits...  
I miss being here on the Oasis...and connecting with all of you.  My camera is on the fritz!  The lens won't open...rats!  And so.. no photos. The color on the scanner is no where near realistic, and I just can't bring myself to post a mandala where the colors aren't true  And so, I rest and breathe while  in the Gap. I will either do a few mandala "encores", with new Reflections and Insights...(which might be good to do anyway, as our awareness is ever-evolving) -

...Speaking of "ever-evolving" check out my interview with Seena Frost, creator of SoulCollage - as we discuss her new book SoulCollage Evolving! - You're sure to be inspired!

Also, my dear friend, Laura Hegfield has devoted the entired month of November to Gratitude on her blog, Shine the Divine, with guest authors every day!  I am honored to be a part of this project, and my article:  Gratitude: Gifts of the Present, is here.  To read each day's new post, and archives, click here, Shine the Divine.  Thank you Laura, for you ever-giving, generous, inspiring spirit; and the worldwide community of kindred spirits that you've created    ~ With love and gratitude for you all... Cheryl

August 18, 2010

"Reaching Out" ...on Unity.FM - Fri. 8/20!

Mandala: "Reaching Out"

Hello Dear Ones...

On Friday, 8/20 at 1:00PM Central, I have the honor of being featured on http://unity.fm/program/ConsciousContent with my good friend Jun Mhoon, on his show "Conscious Content".  it's the last of three segments. Of course, I'll be talking with Jun about my soul's favorite subject: creativity as conduit to the soul's voice. And I can't talk about that without talking about .. you got it.. Mandalas!! And I can't talk about Mandalas without being in Gratitude for all of you who do this Mandala Dance with me in spirit and  in deed either via blogging or through our kindred Mandala Oasis Yahoo Community. I love you all...and I'm so glad we're sharing this journey together. Come on and join us!  If you miss it.. the show will be in the archives at the above link.  Now...about the above mandala...
. . .
The above mandala speaks to me of "Reaching Out".
By reachng out and allowing ourselves to connect with others...
we are gifted with being Centered and in The Flow of life;
and in that....we're sharing our gifts...
which is what they're for!
Whether we give a smile or kind word ...
or gesture to a so-called stranger;
or a compasionate, patient heart...or
... the spirit of joy and celebration...
or inspiriation and creativity,
when we give... all are blessed
and we bless others.
Often times our Presence and Awareness
is the highest gift we can bring to ourselves
...to others... right where we are
...in this moment.
Please know
that your Reaching Out, matters.
It makes a glorious difference in the world.. . . .
Wondrous blessings and gratitude to you, always...

July 18, 2010

"The Invitation"

Love's aperture opens...
the portal appears...
Life's womb
is at the threshold...
beckoning us
to accept....
its Invitation.
I've been carrying this mandala in my heart for a while now...feeling its presence...hearing its whispers...reflecting on its rich colors and images; knowing its very presence is an invitation to allow Love to nourish me ...in this moment and each one that follows.
It's an invitation to be aware, to be present and to remember Infinite Love is always here:
at the threshold of every breath, every heartbeat, every decision...
every doubt, every prayer, every tear...
every celebration, every question,...and every answer.
 Love is here, capturing and transforming every thought,
 feeling, idea...and dream that we surrender to it, in trust.
"In Love We Trust."
Love, is at the threshold with open arms...
open wings....and healing power...
awaiting our sacred "Yes!" to its Invitation.
Yes... indeed...
In Love We Trust...
 In Love We Trust...
In Love We Trust.

May 31, 2010

"Energy of Permission"

Hello Beautiful Ones...
Thank you all for your presence, and your loving, kind, supportive words and friendship since my last post. I am deeply grateful for your presence here, and that we are all apart of each other's lives. Wow...worldwide friends. I have missed you! ...yet it was a much-needed time away that was well spent.
I am regenerated now and glad to be back with you again.
I've found that I often don't need as much time away as I might think; it's just a matter of giving myself permission to step back, and to share how I'm feeling with you...and do what I need for myself. That in itself opens up more space withn me
and allows for deeper, wider expansion of Life Energy...and appreciation for life. I am then rejuvenated in a quicker time than I might've thought I needed.
It reminds me of Kahlil Gibran's words on Friendship,
from his book, The Prophet. He says:
"When you part from your friend, you grieve not;
For that which you love most in her
may be clearer in her absence,
as the mountain to the climber
is clearer from the plain."
Allowing ourselves the time and space to step back when need, is one of the highest forms of loving self-care we can give ourselves, and our loved ones. -Allowing them the time they need as well works wonders for the soul...and therfore, families and friendships.
The above mandala is a symbol of the Energy of Permission.
Open hearts and swirls all hanging out together,
in the lustrous golden auras and magical blue...
allowing each to do what they need,
and be what they are.
That's what I experience here with you all...
and I thank you for being here, and sharing you life
and your wondrous creativty with me.
Shine on lovely, luminous soul-stars that you are!
With deepest gratitude... and celebration,

April 15, 2010

Wondrous Blessings...

Hello Beautiful Spirits.... I'm so glad you've stopped by :) - I hope you are still smitten and curious about the Mandala Journey like I am (see links on sidebar for more info). It's been a while since I've posted, partly because my camera is on the fritz...and partly because after 3 years and over 200 mandalas, insights and reflections later...as well as 2 blogs!...I've decided to take a hiatus from blogging. I'm enjoying not being on the computer as much - and so I heed this inner-prompting.
I figure I'll return to posting at some point, but in the meantime I will continue partaking of and relishing my creative journey of life, offline - although I will continue to moderate and enjoy our kindred and inspiring Mandala Oasis Yahoo Community...whose inception was inspired by: my passion for Mandala-making, the treasured inner-discoveries they have gifted me with....and my desire to share this creative-joy with others who also have an appreciation for this fascinating, soul-excavating, expressive process.
As I reflect on the many mandalas that have come through me, as well as the wisdom they've imparted, the message of this one -"Powerful Beyond Measure"- comes to my attention in this moment, and so I'm sharing it with you again... just click here - and enjoy.
Thank you all for sharing your life, your creativity, your beautiful comments...your connection...and the love of your Creative Journey...with me. -- So, until we meet again...
Wondrous blessings to you and all that concerns you....
Shine on...beautiful, radiant spirits that you are!

January 17, 2010

"Entering the Vision"

Entering the Vision...
of my Heart's Heart...
transporting myself there
through the Rainbow-Eye...
of my Imagination...
. . .
Entering the Vision...
of my Soul's Heart...
dreaming...while awake.
Feeling the support of the Ancestors,
and the Creative Force,
I let myself go deeper...
...and knowing
that all I need to do is to:
be willing...
show up...
do the work...
trust & stay rooted in
what my Heart knows...
and where it's leading me.
. . .
Entering the Vision...
I persevere..
I am rooted in Courage
I trust...and
I Heed Spirit's promptings...
when I feel like it...
and even when I don't...
Realizing it's Spirit's loving way
of bringing me along...
lifting me "up to"...
where I belong.

November 6, 2009

"What lies Beneath" ~ Art Every Day Month

"Be at peace and see a clear pattern running through your lives. Nothing is by chance." ~Eileen Caddy, Footprints on the Path
- - - - - Hello Beautiful Spirits,
I know my presence has been a little sporadic. I'm in the process of balancing - you know, the yin and yang of life. Balancing many things: emotions, nurturance, responsibilities, creative time, soul work, my online/offline life...yet they're both intertwined. Being here with you all has expanded my life in amazing ways: my vision, my enthusiam for creativity, the mandala process, all this art & soul work, and..my soul's passion for creating and nurturing community -like our kindred, Mandala Oasis Yahoo Community. I am overflowing with gratitude...that I get to share my life with such amazing, creative, expressive souls from ALL OVER THE WORLD! We all come together through our passion for creativity, inner-exploration, a sense of family, and our beloved Mandala Process and Journey - our life's journey.
I also realize that, like Mother Earth, our creative expression as well as other elements of our life and our "being" are very much in tune with the seasons. - I love the Fall - a time of letting go, surrendering, letting stuff just fall away, and being aware of what's trying to let go of me. And, being willing to surrender as often as needed; allowing "the season of letting go" to have it's way with me. At times I'm kicking and screaming the whole way; albeit silently...what a paradox. And yes, to trust. To be like the the leaves twirling and rippling in the breeze as they leap and just let go of the branch - the mother - that bore and anchored them... for as long as Nature intended; for as long as their "holding on" was in season.
As this autumn gives way to winter I'm winding down...going within more..realizing what my spirit needs more of and less of; and heeding spirit's counsel. The above mandala reminds me of "what lies beneath" ...what's going on, underneath, in the soil of our soul garden - as the season rules. - And, like bear...I'm preparing for the symbolic hibernation; nurturing, resting, and conscious-careful-activity. Quietly laying groundwork for what will come next; while simultaneously doing my best to "be present" and attentive to the current moment. ~ May this season bring you all that you need...and may you... give yourself permssion to give it to yourself! ...for as long as you need it. .. and may you be willing let go... and trust - just a little bit more, as needed.
Peace and blessings to you all... and Happy Art Every Day Month! click for details.
:) Cheryl

October 12, 2009

Blog Tour: "Bright Side of the Road"

The Perpetual Mandala of Life brings us full circle again and again through the eternal spiral of life-altering experiences that on some level whisper to us to "go deeper". Each ending completes that Circle - or Cycle of the Spiral - and a new one begins...and the Mandala of Life spins on eternally. In this Blog Tour, my dear friend Anne Marie Bennett - through her debut book: Bright Side of the Road - A Spiritual Journey Through Breast Cancer - candidly shares her intimate journey with us; ultimately discovering her Bright Side of the Road and the emergence of a new direction for her life. Whether your journey has been touched by breast cancer, or a different challenge, may you be inspired and uplifted by Anne Marie's journey, and discover your Bright Side of the Road as well.

1) Anne Marie, what would you like readers to receive from your book?  I would like my readers to know that a journey with breast cancer is not the end of the world, no matter how scary it might seem. Also, I want them to know that any kind of a Life Journey Interruption can be a good thing, even if it’s hard to believe at the beginning.

2) What entered your mind when you heard your diagnosis?   What immediately entered my mind was absolute terror. It was a completely surreal feeling. My thoughts went something like this: I can’t believe this is happening to me. I don’t WANT this to be happening to me. I don’t have time for this. Am I going to die? Get the cancer OUT of my body. And really, my immediate response was fear. I know some women whose basic emotion was anger, but I honestly didn’t feel a lot of anger. My main emotion, the one that had huge potential to keep me from the bright side, was fear.

3) At what point did you realize that your creativity would lead you into your healing journey?   There were two points. One was very early on in the journey. Before my diagnosis, I had been working on several collaged calendars to give as holiday gifts, and they were lying unfinished on my art table. I decided to give one of them to my breast surgeon, Dr. Karp, because I felt so well taken care of with him. Also, throughout the treatments, I created lots of collaged note cards to give as gifts to my treatment team and nursing staff at the end of the hospital journey. Even though I didn’t feel well many days, I was motivated to sit down and create more collages on my good days because I wanted to give something back to these extraordinary caregivers who were my healing team.

The second was a few years after my treatments were over. I was still reeling from the fear that the cancer would return. In some ways, I was allowing this fear to paralyze me. Then I discovered the simple art of SoulCollage® and made some cards that expressed my fears, as well as the damage that the cancer had done to me. Just that simple act of making those cards helped me to honor the journey in a very visceral way, and that made a huge difference in how I went on with the rest of my life. You can see my breast cancer SoulCollage® cards here: www.kaleidosoul.com/breastcancer.html

4) What was the most difficult part of your journey through breast cancer?  Well, I have to stop and think about that. There were many difficult parts: figuring out how to tell people about my cancer, living with the fear, not being in control of what was happening to my body, losing my hair…etc. But really, the hardest thing was getting through the 3rd and 4th chemotherapy treatments. Not because I lost my hair or felt nauseous a lot of the time, but because I just didn’t feel like myself. I was exhausted and weepy and felt like a shadow of my former self. I read somewhere about trying to think of the chemotherapy drugs in light of what they were doing for me instead of what they were doing to me, and that helped a lot too.

5) What was the gift?
Ah, there were so many gifts… I don’t think I can choose just one. The gift was the love and support I received from the people in my life. The gift was a closer connection with Spirit. The gift was a re-routing of my life, a re-direction.

6) What do you know for sure?  What I know for sure is that we are not alone. I know for sure that life is a journey and our journeys are all individual but we are all intricately connected. I know for sure that if you follow your heart, all shall be well.

Anne Marie Bennett is a writer, self-taught collage artist, website goddess, cancer survivor and SoulCollage® Facilitator. She received a BS degree in Education from Southern Connecticut State University and has taught people of all ages throughout the East Coast. She lives in eastern Massachusetts with her middle-aged husband (also a cancer survivor), two elderly cats and one very playful dog who keeps all of them young-at-heart. She is happiest when she is reading, writing, breathing salt air, dancing, and hugging her beautiful grandchildren.

For more information about Anne Marie’s book, Bright Side of the Road, please visit this page:
www.annemariebennett.com To purchase the book, please visit this page: www.annemariebennett.com/how-to-purchase. For more information about SoulCollage® please visit www.KaleidoSoul.com and www.SoulCollage.com

September 7, 2009

"Heart-Centered Universe"

Heart-centered universe...
coalescing in the center...
within me.
to the left...
to the right.
Surrounding me
with its
gravitional pull.
Keeping me on course...
with my soul's agreement
for this...
infinite journey.

July 22, 2009

"Love's Horizon"

breaking through
from beneath the surface.
Deep, deep down...
from before the beginning.
We can't escape Love.
It's on the horizon
even when we think not.
Even when we
can't see it...
or feel it...
It's always there
like the sun...
like the moon.
Mother Natures compost,
dries our heart's tears...
and hugs our soul.
illumines our Dark Night
so come morning...
we can see....
and feel...
our own love dawning...
on Love's...Horizon.

July 14, 2009

"Heart of Hearts"

I am your heart
of hearts...
radiating in your Center.
with each breath of love...
each thought of compassion,
I am your heart of hearts...
singing your soul song...
longing to hear your voice
echo in my heart...of hearts.
Longing to feel
the glow of the sparkle
in your eyes...
inspired by
the gifts and promise
that I bestow.
I am your heart of hearts...
the storehouse of your loves
both near and far...
from yesterday...
today...and tomorrow.
I am in
the laughter
of a child...
...the sunshine
of the day...
...the breeze
on your skin...and...
the abounding beauty
that surrounds All That Is.
I am
what your "I love yous"
are made of.

Award: "Attitude of Gratitude"

What a nice surprise from Sue of Sacred Circle Mandalas to give me this thoughtful award. As they say "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade!" To allow that idea abide within, is indeed something to be thankful for.

So nominees, the guidelines of this award are: 1) comment on your blog as I've done here; 2) post the award logo and use it on your own blog; 3) nominate at least 5 people who show attitude of gratitude through their blog; 4) link to your nominees within your blog post; comment on their blogs to let them know they received the award; 5) link back to the person who gave you the award to show your appreciation.

My nominees are: Brenda of Soul Remembering, Amber of Creative Freedom SoulCollage, JGY of Found in Japan, Janice at Postcards from Wildwood, and Caroline of Whimsical Whispers. I have immense gratitude for you all for the diversity of creativity you share..and the passion in which you share it. Gracias!

June 27, 2009

"Holding Space"

Holding Space.
The eye-of-the-storm-vibration...
the keeper of the keys:
to peace...
to compassion...
to a higher call.
A higher vibration.
In all the angst of asking
"What the Bleep...am I doing here!?"
The answer comes, saying:
You are holding space.
You are doing sacred work
by simply being there...
Hold the vigil.
Hold the Space.
Attune wherever you are
to the Higher Octave...
with your
Conscious Presence.
Your sacred-yes* to
Spirit's assignment:
Holding the Space...
the Sacred Vibration...
for the good of all..
is your Work, Cheryl.
Good job.
The term "sacred yes" is from Rev. Michael Beckwith - one of my long-time spiritual teachers.
"Work is love made visible" ~Kahlil Gibran

May 30, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday - Mandala Oasis!

June 1, 2009 marks the first birthday of the luminoius Mandala Oasis Yahoo Group! In case you don't yet know, the Mandala Oasis online community is one of the most kindred, inspiring, compassionate, supportive and creative groups I've been a part of; and the members have echoed this sentiment from the beginning. The formation of the amazing group is truly a demonstration of the principle "if you build it...they will come."
My desire for kindred community focused in creativity as an expression of spirit, was a Cosmic Gong that I sounded in June '08...they all heard it...and came! This is truly a full circle moment...how apropo! ~ I am thankful for everyone who is a part of this amazing family...be they wallflowers...active participants....or visitors of this blog. It's all of you...all of us... who make the Mandala Oasis...an Oasis of spirit... a truly sacred space.
Beaming grace, gratitude...and a group hug to you all ((((0)))....
~Blissings.... Cheryl

"Women of Spirit"

Women of Spirit...
...the Spirit of Women.
The Lighthouse of Spirit
that guides
and holds space for us daily.
Women...who bring spirit
to everything they do:
Spirited communication...
Spirited creativity...
Spirited expression...
Spirited giving...
Spirited nurturing....
be it a loved one...
a home...
a garden...
or Spirited loving.
Be it a smile...
or compassion
for those familiar...
or those not yet so...
Women of Spirit
holding our world together
for centuries on end...
from every locale on Earth.
The Spirit of Women...
an eternal balm that lingers
long after we've departed,
the room...
...or the planet.
In overflowing grace
and gratitude...
I honor and celebrate
the Overarching Principle
of the Divine Feminine...in you.

May 27, 2009


What lies beneath...?
Breaking though the surface.
Naturally unfolding.
its own nature.

May 5, 2009

"Captured by Infinity"

Today is a day of
stepping out on
the Winding Purple Path...
Today...I say yes to life!
embraced by the natural unfolding of...
blooms at my right....
blooms at my left...
blooms beneath me...
blooms above me...
Blooming Love surronds me!
...and lives in the heart
and soul of me....
by the Garnet sun...
and captured...
by Infinity.

May 4, 2009

"Courage" Mandala -- Cover Art!

That's my mandala on the cover!
Synchronicity, you know...the seeming-magical occurance of the timing of events at the precise moments that are signficant to you?...no matter how large or small? With synchronicity, they're all goose-bump events. They're like messages from Spirit...guiding us...telling us we're on track...or not. Like a lot of people, synchronicity has been my companion ever since I can remember...and I wouldn't have it any other way. My mom, mystic that she was...brought that, along with lots of other wisdom...to my attention early on. I've also learned that it's important to pay attention to the synchronistities...and not dismiss them as random. Nothing is random. When we notice them and have a desire to explore them, they're clues to the treasure map of our life journey.
In his book, Spontaneous Fulfillent of Desire - Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence, Deepak Chopra writes "...but if you catch coincidences at the moment they occur, you are better positioned to take advantage of the opportunities they may be presenting."...That's exactly what happened when I received an unfamiliar e-mail... after all we're not supposed to open e-mails from people we don't know...right?...

...Well I felt it was OK to open this particular one, afterall it had "mandala" in the subject line :)... and it just felt OK. So, I listened to that inner "OK" and opened it. Well, at first I felt as if I was in the Twilight Zone! It was from the editor Imagery International's quarterly journal. (Imagery International is the Professional Organization of Guided Imagery practioners.)...
...She wanted to use one of my mandalas for the cover of their worldwide quarterly publication! This was a thrill for me because I love making and sharing my mandalas...as well as the insight they gift me with. To think...this one was delivered right into my e-mail box! And...it was an opportunity to reach people all over the world with my mandala work. How synchronistic is that!?!
Since the cover was published I've had a bountiful outpouring of cheering-on from friends, family, creative partners, and other bloggers...it's been heartwarming! And then the icing on the cake...with a cherry on top...came from my dear friend Chris Dunmire, founder of the award-winning website, Creativity Portal... she celebrated with me when she wrote about it on her blog, Creative Slush, here! ~ Thank you, Chris. ~ I just love how sharing our creativity connects us...makes us family; and that's one of the best synchronicites of all.

April 22, 2009

"Heart Strings"

I am one who loves the dance of life...
Heart Strings leap
from golden jewels...
born of an
Indigo Sea...
at the Center.
. . . .
A wing,
and a prayer.
. . . .
I say "yes"!

April 13, 2009

"Reaching Beyond"

Reaching beyond what is.
Reaching beyond what is.
Breaking out of the shell
that holds...
the juice...
the joy...
the seed...
the expectation!
Reaching beyond what is.
Enlivened by...
the nectar...

April 10, 2009

Soul Mosaic: "Ancient Jewels"

hidden jewels...
occupy the Rain Forest
of my heart.
Riches galore!
I spy Amethyst...
and Turquoise...
and Ruby...
embraces of
mystical, dramatic Emerald...
Swaddled in Gold.
of ancient Stardust
court me!
in the Native Center
of All Centers.
Mother of Eternity.
Yes, ancient,
hidden jewels...
echo the heart...
of my
Soul Mosaic.

February 22, 2009

"Flowering Horizons"

Today is a day of flowers on the horizon
Today is a day of vision...
a flowering vision in my heart...
bouquets of hopes and dreams
and inspired action
regardless of seeming-evidence to the contrary
buzzing around us.
Today is a day where "hope springs eternal" *
not as a passive wishing...
but as the rich soil where belief-seeds
take root...and where vision blooms.
Today is a day where the Soul's work evolves...
inspires...and takes outward form.
Yes, today...flowers of all sorts
are on the horizon
of my soul-garden...
they're coming up...right now!
Today is a day for knowing...
and trusting...
Today is a day of celebration...
of singing before the dawn...
and knowing the sunrise
of Heart-desires' bloom
is just a heartbeat away.
. . . .
After listening to, and watching too much News...(none of it was uplifiting or empowering) something in me said "Enough! now..declare what you really know, what you know from Spirit." - The above writing "is" that Knowing. I was so divinely anchored after the above poured through me. Yes, I am thankful for Spirit that mentors me to fly higher than facts, figures and F.E.A.R (False Evidence Appearing Real) ...no matter how well it's disguised. ~ Ahh, life is good! and today is a day for seeing, feeling and living...that!
*From Alexander Pope, click here

February 15, 2009

"Exuberant Purple Passion"

"Exuberant Purple Passion"
transforms purple into shades...
of blue....and green...and gold
...more than the eyes can see.
"Exuberant Purple Passion"
transforms circles to diamonds
and diamonds to stars....
and stars into stardust...
and dreams into form....
like weaving straw into gold.
"Exuberant Purple Passion...
just one of many glorious flowers
in the garden of my soul's
blooming creativity!

"Peace Feathers"

"Peace Feathers" blow through my heart
gracing my entire being.
Peace fragrance
breezes through....
my eyes...
my nose...
and my throat....
On the wings of
the Goddess.
"Peace Feathers" take flight...
caressing my face
with it's divine fragrance...
with its divine touch...
singing its divine song.
Ahh...do you feel it?...
the chorus of Peace...
echoes and within us...
within our peace cells.
Allow the touch
and thought of "Peace Feathers"
to comfort you.

February 8, 2009

"Vivid Vivacious Visions"

I have vivid, vivacious visions...
in my mind's eye...
I am all smiles...
and in giddy anticipation.
Oh.. yes,
I am up to something!

February 1, 2009

"Turtle Love"

teaching me to...
give myself what I need
Go inside...
...let my shell nuture me
come out when it's time
for what's been nurtured...
to be expressed...
outside the shell.
Swirling...Turtle Love

December 12, 2008

"Whispering Petals"

Petals of surrender...
and Grace...
and joy...
they breeze through my soul...
Let go...
Yes... a symphony for my soul
from Whispering Petals
in the breeze
of my heart.
I am grateful.

Insights and shifts continue to come to me from this marvelous "Mandala Medicine". This mandala is an encore post, yet the message is more like "whispers from the ages". My original writing of this mandala was of the Creativity Club Sandwich that it inspired...reflections and inspiration for sandwiching creativity into our day...as well as gratitude for that awareness and the blessed creative community, both online and offline. Mandala Medicine contnues to teach me in beautiful, loving, and creative ways. Ahh.... I do love this journey!

December 2, 2008

Mandalas for Peace - update

We have shared many luminous mandalas since this project began!
The Mandalas for Peace Project is ongoing, instead of just nine weeks as mentioned in the original post. The premise of the Project is to consciously create mandalas from the energy and intention of peace... to sustain that peace within, and to radiate that peace and inspiration to our world through our mandalas...and our lives. Mandalas for Peace is anchored in authentic, sacred, self-expression with Peace as the germinating medium..in our creativity as well as our lives. We hope you'll join us and share your mandalas on your blog and with the Mandala Oasis members...and please know...you are invited to join us at the Mandala Oasis Yahoo! Community. Click here for a quick "how to" for making mandalas. Click here and scroll to see the blog comments from others who've been inspired to make mandalas; and the blessing it has been for them.

November 21, 2008

Mandala Challenge: Gratitude~Thanksgiving~Forgiveness

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow." ~ Melody Beattie

Hello beautiful spirits...
As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches I reflect on my own life...and feel abiding gratitude within me... I'm reminded of what gratitude feels like in my heart center... its a warm glow...peaceful, feeling of contentment...a quiet(er) mind... a basking in the glow of gratitude, apprecition...and thanks-giving. I also realize...that I can't have true and complete "thanksgiving" (I don't mean the holiday)... without first "forgiving"...be it someone, some incident, or myself. Forgiveness is key....it allows us to complete our "life mandala"...to let the circle be unbroken.
So, the mandala challenge is: ...if thanksgiving...or forgiving/forgiveness....or gratitude...or appreciation were a mandala...what would it look like? ......What would the "essence" of that energy look like? -- I invite you to close your eyes...take a few deep, cleansing breaths... get still...and inquire within...and set the intention to create a mandala that shows the energy of what you need to express/release. It might be one mandala...or a few.......There's no getting around it... we must let go of what we don't want...in order to make room what we do want..and to experience its fullness down in our bones...that might mean making a mandala for unforgiveness which clears the space for mandalas of thanksgiving, forgiveness, gratitude and appreciation.
If you decide to partake of challenge...please be sure to share your mandala...and your experience with us :) either by leaving your blog link here... or by joining us at the very kindred and inspiring Mandala Oasis Yahoo! Community (see link at top, right).
I am reminded of my "Gratitude-joy" mandala as I write this... So... I'll share it with you again here: http://mandalaoasis.blogspot.com/2008/09/gratitude-joy.html --
I'll see what other mandala comes up for me..in light of this post...I'll share it here.
Peace & blessings... ~Cheryl

November 3, 2008

"Peace Within"

...all around...
and within.
I imagine
this is what "peace cells"
would look like
under a microscope,
wall -to-wall...
...a world of peace
in each cell..
in each of "our" cells
just imagine it...
feel it.
Allow more peace
to be born
within your very cells.
"Mind/Body/Spirt" focus -"Mandalas for Peace Project"

October 21, 2008

"Ripples of Peace"

Peace ripples through me
when I let go of
what might've been
and see the beauty of...
what is.
~Cheryl Finley
My first in the Mandalas for Peace series. Created in the wee hours of the morning - the dawning of day one of the Mandalas for Peace Project - focus: "Community" - details here.

October 6, 2008

Mandalas for Peace Project

The Mandalas for Peace Project was inspired by the wonderful, creative beings of love and light at the Mandala Oasis Yahoo Community* . Every time we talk and share our mandalas... inspiration, insight and enthusiasm are born. Our hearts are touched and beautiful things happen, and the Mandalas for Peace Project is one of them. *(What's a mandala? Click on the above Mandala Oasis Yahoo Community link to learn more.) - Click here for a quick "how to" for making mandalas. Click here and scroll to see the blog comments from others who've been inspired to make mandalas; and the blessing it has been for them.

12/1/08 - Update - The Mandalas for Peace Project is ongoing (instead of just nine weeks as mentioned in the original post). The premise of the Project is to consciously create mandalas from the energy and intention of peace...and to share that peace and inspiration with the world via our mandalas...and our life. Creating in the name of peace is what it's this project is all about. We hope you'll join us and share your mandalas on your blog and with the Mandala Oasis members. We invite you to join the Mandalas for Peace webring and post the logo on your blog or website.

September 19, 2008


Ahh...gazing upon this mandala sets my heart aflutter. I realize that this is what my gratitude for joy feels like...and looks like. Thank you Gratitude-joy for showing your face to me...for coursing through my being. -- Some heart-thoughts in honor of our kinship:

I am Gratitude-joy!
I dance in your heart
and set your soul a-purring...
making your heart...content.
~ ~ ~ ~
I am thankful
that Gratitude-joy...
lives in me...
moves through me...
and joy

All is well...
Gratitude-joy is here.

"Cosmic Sunflower"

What presence the sunflower has. Statuesque. Bold. Dramatic, yet simple. The casual elegance of the sunflower has captured my heart and imagination. It speaks volumes without uttering a word. Ah, the power of its presence...not many can resist a smile while amid sunflowers. In a breath, they court your heart, and we are theirs....smiling and smitten.
Thank you, dear sunflower!
This post is in honor of the Autumn creativity prompt at The Mandala Oasis Yahoo Community.

September 16, 2008


Namaste / Honoring

As I look gaze upon this mandala, I see "honoring" - Namaste - the divine within me, salutes the divine within you.
The left side with the darker blue, and the right side with the lighter blue that surrounds the green. Working spontaneously and intuitively I didn't know what this mandala would look like when I finished it. A few days later that I noticed the two blues... placed like bookends on each side...supporting what's in between; what's at the center. I made this mandala on 9/11... a way of honoring where I was in my heart center; an honoring for all whose lives were changed that day. Namaste.

"New Vistas"

New vistas beckon...
This mandala is a departure for me.
What are all those squares doing in my mandala? Afterall... I'm a swirl girl.
Not on this day though. Those squares must've shown up for a reason.
Well, I did make this mandala on Septemeber 11th.
I think it's my soul's way of acknowledging
that on that day our world was forever changed, dramatically...
and therefore so was I...and so were we all.
I now know this mandala is honoring and acknowledging
that there's been a huge change...
and inspite of it we must see new, improved vistas...for peace and love.
~ ~ ~
I am in awe...yet again of this Mandala Medicine ..it knows just what it's doing. It reveals new journeys and impressions, that make up the Mosaic of the Soul. Thank you, Mandala Medicine for being a soothing, homeopathic balm.
~ ~ ~
"In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary."
~Aaron Rose


This mandala is a bit of a mystery. I just noticed though, that the curvaceous triangle that evolved as I worked on it is very similar to this mandala that I made a few months ago. I'm looking forward to discovering...and decoding the symbols and shapes that continue to show up - as well as the colors. Right now, I'm just embracing, and contemplating the mystery.

September 7, 2008

Tasty Tropical Breezes

"The really nice breezes blow through my body,
and into my soul. " ~Astrid Alauda
"Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm,but to add color to my sunset sky." ~Rabindranath Tagore
"Only those in tune with nature seem to pick up on the energy in wind. All sorts of things get swept off in the breeze - ghosts, pieces of soul, voices unsung, thoughts repressed, love uncherished, and a thousands galore of spiritual ether. Wind is an emotional rush because emotions are rushing by." ~Drew Sirtors

September 1, 2008

"I Love What I See"

The Great Vision of my life
has courted me...and I say "I do".
I love what I see
and what It has shown me.
I love working to bring that Vision into being.
I am thankful for, and I LOVE
the Dream Team that Life has given me,
and I joyfull give to the them.
My heart glad!
The Great Vision of my life
has courted me...
I lovingly surrender and say "yes" to Its proposal.
I say "yes" to the Beloved Vision
that flows to and through me.
"Yes, I will bring you into this world.
Thank you for choosing me."
I love what I see...
I am thrilled to let it pour through me...
now and forever more.

Colorful Horizons

This mandala adorns a blank page in a brand new turquoise journal,
which hold notes, ideas and plans of action
for a new project I am birthing.
It reminds me that life's horizons are...
and expanding
...blooming as I like to say.
It reminds me that not only is my project counting on me to birth it...
it reminds me that everything expands
or contracts as is needed for it to be so...
this includes my well being.
Thank you.

Shower of Light

We are each gifted in a unique and important way. It is our privilege and our adventure to discover our own special light. ~Mary Dunbar
There are two ways of spreading light; to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. ~Edith Wharton

Light gives of itself freely, filling all available space. It does not seek anything in return; it asks not whether you are friend or foe. It gives of itself and is not thereby diminished.
~Michael Strassfeld
People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is light from within.
~Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

Celtic Circle

It's all about perspective.
It amazes me how this mandala moves...and is an optical illusion.
Sometimes I see the Celtic Cross
and sometimes I see the pinwheel moving and drawing me in.
There's also the rope-like circle of pink, purple and blue
that plays hide and seek with me.
Other images continue to reveal themselves
each time I view this mandala.
This could also be called "The One and the Many"
which we work with in SoulCollage.
That's the idea that we all are "the many"...varied expressions
of "the One" creative source.
It reminds us of our indivisability from the One.
Another spontaneous image...shines through.
Thank you mandala journey.