Love's aperture opens...
the portal appears...
Life's womb
is at the threshold...
beckoning us
to accept....
its Invitation.
I've been carrying this mandala in my heart for a while now...feeling its presence...hearing its whispers...reflecting on its rich colors and images; knowing its very presence is an invitation to allow Love to nourish me this moment and each one that follows.
It's an invitation to be aware, to be present and to remember Infinite Love is always here:
at the threshold of every breath, every heartbeat, every decision...
every doubt, every prayer, every tear...
every celebration, every question,...and every answer.
Love is here, capturing and transforming every thought,
feeling, idea...and dream that we surrender to it, in trust.
"In Love We Trust."
Love, is at the threshold with open arms...
Love, is at the threshold with open arms...
open wings....and healing power...
awaiting our sacred "Yes!" to its Invitation.
Yes... indeed...
In Love We Trust...
In Love We Trust...
In Love We Trust.