Hello, and thank you for visiting! I am currently on an extended blogging break. We have shared some wondrous times and I thank you for that. I look forward to connecting with you when I return. In the meantime... keep creating your mandalas! The process is an amazing Portal to the Soul. If you are new to the process...you can get started right now by clicking here as well as other links below. Wishing you fulfillment and joy on your journey.

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November 6, 2009

"What lies Beneath" ~ Art Every Day Month

"Be at peace and see a clear pattern running through your lives. Nothing is by chance." ~Eileen Caddy, Footprints on the Path
- - - - - Hello Beautiful Spirits,
I know my presence has been a little sporadic. I'm in the process of balancing - you know, the yin and yang of life. Balancing many things: emotions, nurturance, responsibilities, creative time, soul work, my online/offline life...yet they're both intertwined. Being here with you all has expanded my life in amazing ways: my vision, my enthusiam for creativity, the mandala process, all this art & soul work, and..my soul's passion for creating and nurturing community -like our kindred, Mandala Oasis Yahoo Community. I am overflowing with gratitude...that I get to share my life with such amazing, creative, expressive souls from ALL OVER THE WORLD! We all come together through our passion for creativity, inner-exploration, a sense of family, and our beloved Mandala Process and Journey - our life's journey.
I also realize that, like Mother Earth, our creative expression as well as other elements of our life and our "being" are very much in tune with the seasons. - I love the Fall - a time of letting go, surrendering, letting stuff just fall away, and being aware of what's trying to let go of me. And, being willing to surrender as often as needed; allowing "the season of letting go" to have it's way with me. At times I'm kicking and screaming the whole way; albeit silently...what a paradox. And yes, to trust. To be like the the leaves twirling and rippling in the breeze as they leap and just let go of the branch - the mother - that bore and anchored them... for as long as Nature intended; for as long as their "holding on" was in season.
As this autumn gives way to winter I'm winding down...going within more..realizing what my spirit needs more of and less of; and heeding spirit's counsel. The above mandala reminds me of "what lies beneath" ...what's going on, underneath, in the soil of our soul garden - as the season rules. - And, like bear...I'm preparing for the symbolic hibernation; nurturing, resting, and conscious-careful-activity. Quietly laying groundwork for what will come next; while simultaneously doing my best to "be present" and attentive to the current moment. ~ May this season bring you all that you need...and may you... give yourself permssion to give it to yourself! ...for as long as you need it. .. and may you be willing let go... and trust - just a little bit more, as needed.
Peace and blessings to you all... and Happy Art Every Day Month! click for details.
:) Cheryl