July 21, 2008

Inspiration: Anne Frank

"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world." ~Anne Frank

This warms my heart and makes me smile...for I know this is the truth. When we improve ourselves... our home, our body, our consciousness..our world; the Ripple Effect of that makes the world a better place.

It reminds me of one of my favorite songs...that improves the way I feel whenever I sing it, or hum it.. "Let there be Peace on Earth...and let it begin with me."

Have a wonder-filled week!


  1. "Be the change you wish to see in the world" ~Gandhi
    Interesting is that it is part of the law of attraction. When we focus on good, and beauty... that's just what we see.
    Be kind and kindness will follow you :-)
    The more grateful I am, the more I have to be grateful for!
    and Thank YOU :-)


Thank you for your sharing your thoughts, I love hearing from you! - and look forward to visiting you too!