June 21, 2008


Ahh...yes... breathe...
let each breath relax
your mind...
and body...
and just...be...
feel the peace
in every cell...
rest in that peace...
* * *
This mandala truly is a blessing...telling me just what I very much need to do.
That little inner-chatter-box has been having a field day with me.
When I began making this mandala, I though it was going to be a circle of light
representing my third eye. As I colored the dark blue, the color tapered a bit
...and I realized there was a face that wanted to come thru...
and here she is!
I do love this process of creating spontaneously
in the circle and going with the flow of what happens.
So many ways to benefit from the mandala...
which Doreen writes about in her post "Yantra for the Moon"
on her blog Rooted to Fly . And in a few weeks at the Mandala Oasis
we will be learning more about, and experiencing
the healing power of mandalas as we

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